Saturday, December 13, 2008

Running girl - #21 Run a half marathon

In September I joined almost 10,000 people and ran 21.1K in the Army Run. I made up a training program using multiple sources and actually stuck with it for 3 months. I got my distance up and only injured myself once along the way (a sprained ankle from falling off the sidewalk - I'm not even kidding!)

Race day was freezing and before the race I was covered in goosebumps and questioning my judgement.

P365 Day 265 September 21  IMG_3459 (Medium)

I finally warmed up about 10K in and by the end I was a sweaty mess, but a happy sweaty mess. Here I am with a random guy who had a pace I liked. We ran together for the last 4K and finished strong.

IMG_3479 (Medium)

I was SO happy and felt such a huge sense of accomplishment after crossing the finish line.

IMG_3618 (Medium)

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